Day 24: little big conjunctions

Hey there everyone!

The other day I was here reflecting on how we had forgotten about adverbs, and then it occurred to me that we had also forgotten about this seemingly unimportant part of speech, one that we never seem to devote a lesson to, but which can do so much to a sentence's meaning: the conjunction.

For today's challenge, I am introducing to you to some of the most advanced conjunctions. You probably know them, and if that's the case, today will give you a little bit of practice so you don't forget them.

Introducing (in alphabetical order):

by the same token
inasmuch as
what with

The challenge for today:

- Complete the sentences with the right conjunction from the list.

- Tell us in the comments which one is your favourite. Can you make a new sentence with it?

Here we go!

1. No one wants the natural beauty of the area to be compromised ____________ they continue to build hotels.

2. ____________  some council members' objections, planning permission was given for a new hotel.

3. The outcome of the planning meeting was important ____________  it showed the strength of feeling amongst the local residents.

4. There was little evidence that the business would impact the area negatively but, ____________ , there was nothing to say it would do so positively.

5. August had been difficult for those who had remained in the city ____________  the heatwave and train strikes.

6. Tourists had begun arriving on the island for the summer season, ____________  rather slowly.


  1. Hello everyone!!

    Conjuctions time!

    Thank you Bea, I think you are providing us with a balanced and entertaining range of challenges :-)

    1. No one wants the natural beauty of the area to be compromised inasmuch as they continue to build hotels.

    2.Yet some council members' objections, planning permission was given for a new hotel.

    3. The outcome of the planning meeting was important inasmuch as it showed the strength of feeling amongst the local residents.

    4. There was little evidence that the business would impact the area negatively but, by the same token , there was nothing to say it would do so positively.

    5. August had been difficult for those who had remained in the city what with the heatwave and train strikes.

    6. Tourists had begun arriving on the island for the summer season, albeit rather slowly.

    Truth be told I didn’t know either “inasmuch as “ or “what with”. I liked very much the first one (and found difficult to “feel comfy with” the second).

    Here’s my sentence! 😊
    “The paper we are working at will make a remarkable contribution to the literature inasmuch as it addresses COVID-19 incidence on several healthy habits”

    1. Thank you, Evelia! You need to check your answers for numbers 1 and 2. Let me know how it goes!

    2. Thanks Bea!

      If I swap them (1-->yet and 2-->inasmuch as), would the second one be right? As far as I understood, I thought I'd need a sentence after Inasmuch as... I'd really appreciate uf you could help me with this :-)

    3. Number one is "yet", yes. As for the second one, you're right when you say you need a full clause after "inasmuch as". The one you need is a concession or contrast conjunction, therefore "notwithstanding" (which I think you probably overlooked?)

  2. Hello! How do you do?

    1. No one wants the natural beauty of the area to be compromised albeit they continue to build hotels.

    2. Notwithstanding some council members' objections, planning permission was given for a new hotel.

    3. The outcome of the planning meeting was important inasmuch as it showed the strength of feeling amongst the local residents.

    4. There was little evidence that the business would impact the area negatively but, by the same token, there was nothing to say it would do so positively.

    5. August had been difficult for those who had remained in the city what with the heatwave and train strikes.

    6. Tourists had begun arriving on the island for the summer season, yet rather slowly.

    Except yet, all the expressions were new for me. I don't really have a favourite one, so i choose the first, albeit.

    The guests finally arrived, albeit very late.

    1. Albeit is also my favourite, Miguel! You have to check sentences 1 and 6 again.

    2. 1. No one wants the natural beauty of the area to be compromised yet they continue to build hotels.?

      6. Tourists had begun arriving on the island for the summer season, albeit rather slowly.?

  3. Hi, Bea,

    Wow!, this is pure gold for the writing exam!

    Here come my answers:

    1. No one wants the natural beauty of the area to be compromised yet they continue to build hotels.

    2. Notwithstanding some council members' objections, planning permission was given for a new hotel.

    3. The outcome of the planning meeting was important inasmuch as it showed the strength of feeling amongst the local residents.

    4. There was little evidence that the business would impact the area negatively but, by the same token, there was nothing to say it would do so positively.

    5. August had been difficult for those who had remained in the city what with the heatwave and train strikes.

    6. Tourists had begun arriving on the island for the summer season, albeit rather slowly.

    My favorite could be "inasmuch as" since I didn´t know and it sounds cool.
    His studying so hard finally paid off inasmuch as he passed the exam with flying colors.

    Thank you Bea!

    1. Hahaha, sometimes I try to guess who will like each challenge the most, and I'm not wrong!

      Your answers are spot on! Thank you, Daniel!


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