Day 7: Pronunciation odd-one-out (level 2)

Hi everyone!

We're back with the second part of the pronunciation challenge! Let's remember the rules:

1. Read the words. Which one rhymes with the underlined word?

2. Look them up in a dictionary to check.

3. Did you change your mind? 

4. What words surprised you? Can you pronounce them all?

As an extra to today's challenge: can you go back to the first pronunciation challenge and pronounce all the words again? It takes a bit of time to get used to strange pronunciations! Had you forgotten any of them?

Ready? Round two!

15. home   -   some   comb   tomb   bomb

16. aunt   -   grand   grant   font   wont   want

17. linger   -  ginger   singer   finger

18. loth   -   oath   doth   cloth   loathe

19. moreover   mover   cover   clover

20. vice  -  chalice   lice   police

21. deceiver  -  aver   ever   fever

22. label  -   principle   disciple   stable

23. chair  -  spectator   senator   mayor

24. clean  -   marine   doctrine   turpentine

25. poor  -  our    succour    four    tour

26. pal   -   petal   canal   panel

27. broad   -  toward   forward   load

28. THE BIG ONE: enough   -   though   through   plough   dough   cough   tough


  1. Here I go again!

    15. home - some comb tomb bomb
    Before: comb
    After: comb

    16. aunt - grand grant font wont want
    Before: grant
    After: grand

    17. linger - ginger singer finger
    Before: singer
    After: finger

    18. loth - oath doth cloth loathe
    Before: Impossible to guess for me!
    After: loathe
    Surprising: all of them

    19. moreover mover cover clover
    Before: cover
    After: clover

    20. vice - chalice lice pólice
    Before: lice
    After: lice

    21. deceiver - aver ever fever
    Before: fever
    After: fever

    22. label - principle disciple stable
    Before: stable
    After: stable

    23. chair - spectator senator mayor
    Before: senator
    After: mayor
    Surprising: mayor

    24. clean - marine doctrine turpentine
    Before: doctrine
    After: marine
    Surprising: doctrine

    25. poor - our succour four tour
    Before: tour
    After: tour

    26. pal - petal canal panel
    Before: canal
    After: canal

    27. broad - toward forward load
    Before: load
    After: toward
    I found this pretty challenging, not sure of my answer even after doing it…

    28. THE BIG ONE: enough - though through plough dough cough tough
    Before: cough?
    After: tough

    Thanks Bea! :-)

  2. Hi, Bea,

    I have found two of them a little tricky for different reasons. First of all, the exercise doesn´t point out the type of pronunciation to use, so in the number 16 aunt in British pronunciation would rhyme with grant in British pronunciation and with want in American pronunciation. Anyhow, I think that´s too much nitpicking and I guess we shouldn´t mix different pronunciations in the exercise. And secondly, in number 25 I´ve found in several dictionaries 2 different pronunciations of poor in British English, which would make it rhyme with tour or with four depending on what we choose.

    Anyway, here comes my list:

    15. home - some comb tomb bomb
    Which one rhymes (before checking): bomb
    Which one rhymes (after checking): comb (changed my mind)
    Surprising pronunciation: home

    16. aunt - grand grant font wont want
    Which one rhymes (before checking): grant, and want (US pronunciation)
    Which one rhymes (after checking): grant, and want (US pronunciation)
    Surprising pronunciation:

    17. linger - ginger singer finger
    Which one rhymes (before checking): singer
    Which one rhymes (after checking): finger (changed my mind)
    Surprising pronunciation: singer

    18. loth - oath doth cloth loathe
    Which one rhymes (before checking): cloth
    Which one rhymes (after checking): oath (changed my mind)
    Surprising pronunciation: loth and doth

    19. moreover mover cover clover
    Which one rhymes (before checking): clover
    Which one rhymes (after checking): clover
    Surprising pronunciation:

    20. vice - chalice lice police
    Which one rhymes (before checking): chalice
    Which one rhymes (after checking): lice (changed my mind)
    Surprising pronunciation: chalice and lice

    21. deceiver - aver ever fever
    Which one rhymes (before checking): fever
    Which one rhymes (after checking): fever
    Surprising pronunciation: aver

    22. label - principle disciple stable
    Which one rhymes (before checking): stable
    Which one rhymes (after checking): stable
    Surprising pronunciation: disciple

    23. chair - spectator senator mayor
    Which one rhymes (before checking): mayor
    Which one rhymes (after checking): mayor
    Surprising pronunciation:

    24. clean - marine doctrine turpentine
    Which one rhymes (before checking): marine
    Which one rhymes (after checking): marine
    Surprising pronunciation: turpentine

    25. poor - our succour four tour
    Which one rhymes (before checking): tour
    Which one rhymes (after checking): tour or four depending the pronunciation of poor
    Surprising pronunciation: succour

    26. pal - petal canal panel
    Which one rhymes (before checking): canal
    Which one rhymes (after checking): canal
    Surprising pronunciation:

    27. broad - toward forward load
    Which one rhymes (before checking): load
    Which one rhymes (after checking): toward
    Surprising pronunciation: broad and toward

    28. enough - though through plough dough cough tough
    Which one rhymes (before checking): tough
    Which one rhymes (after checking): tough
    Surprising pronunciation:

    Thank you very much!

    1. Hehehe, of course they're tricky, Daniel, that was the fun (on my part at least!) The idea is to make you aware of how sometimes we need context, other times we need to know the word, and of course, there is geographical variation and even an evolution of the pronunciation through time, which is what has happened to "poor" and other words with the same diphtong, which is less and less common.

      You're doing great with these pronunciation challenges! Take a look at Day 8 to see where they are headed...

  3. Hi Bea & classmates!

    These is my try:

    15. home - some comb tomb bomb
    Before checking: tomb
    After checking: comb

    16. aunt - grand grant font wont want
    Before checking: grant
    After checking: grant

    17. linger - ginger singer finger
    Before checking: finger
    After checking: finger

    18. loth - oath doth cloth loathe
    Before checking: loathe
    After checking: loathe

    19. moreover mover cover clover
    Before checking: clover
    After checking: clover

    20. vice - chalice lice police
    Before checking: lice
    After checking: lice

    21. deceiver - aver ever fever
    Before checking: fever
    After checking: fever

    22. label - principle disciple stable
    Before checking: stable
    After checking: stable
    Which surprised me: disciple

    23. chair - spectator senator mayor
    Before checking: mayor
    After checking: mayor
    Which surprised me: mayor

    24. clean - marine doctrine turpentine
    Before checking: doctrine
    After checking: marine

    25. poor - our succour four tour
    Before checking: tour
    After checking: tour

    26. pal - petal canal panel
    Before checking: petal
    After checking: canal

    27. broad - toward forward load
    Before checking: broad
    After checking: toward

    28. THE BIG ONE: enough - though through plough dough cough tough
    Before checking: dough
    After checking: tough


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