Day 9: Don't use "yes" or "no"!

Hi there!

Have you ever played this game where you're not allowed to answer "yes" or "no"? Well, that game came to mind when reading about these expressions that we tend to use when answering questions in natural conversation.

For example, have you ever thought about how many ways of saying that you don't know something there are, apart from, obviously, "I don't know"? Depending on the question, you could say "who knows", or "that's anybody's guess", or "I wish I could help", or "I haven't the foggiest/faintest idea".

So, to introduce this topic (clue: there may be a "part 2" to this challenge), here is today's challenge:

- What would be the right answer to these questions: a), b) or c)?

- Give us an extra possible answer for each of those questions.

1. Weren't you supposed to take out the recycling today?

a) I thought you were going to.
b) I won't forget.
c) I might not have time.

2. Isn't that your History teacher from highschool?

a) Yes, I thought I recognised him.
b) I absolutely agree.
c) You should be mistaken.

3. When will the new cycle lane be constructed?

a) It hasn't been built yet.
b) It was supposed to have been finished by now.
c) Sometime tomorrow, probably.

4. Is there any reason to hunt this species?

a) It's almost extinct.
b) I would rather not.
c) Not that I'm aware of.

5. Are many people against the new exam format?

a) That's not quite correct.
b) Nobody knows for sure.
c) That would be an understatement.

6. Who is to blame for the oil spill?

a) They should have known better.
b) It's a foregone conclusion.
c) Nobody knows for sure.

7. When will this country switch to renewable energy?

a) There's no time like the present.
b) Don't hold your breath.
c) If only it would.

8. What do you think about organic food?

a) I wouldn't eat anything else.
b) It is available in the supermarket.
c) I could say I have tried it.

Go for it!


  1. Hi, Bea,

    Here come my answers:

    1. Weren't you supposed to take out the recycling today?
    a) I thought you were going to.
    b) I won't forget.
    c) I might not have time.
    Right answer: a
    Extra answer: I forgot to do it

    2. Isn't that your History teacher from highschool?
    a) Yes, I thought I recognised him.
    b) I absolutely agree.
    c) You should be mistaken.
    Right answer: c
    Extra answer: I think so

    3. When will the new cycle lane be constructed?
    a) It hasn't been built yet.
    b) It was supposed to have been finished by now.
    c) Sometime tomorrow, probably.
    Right answer: b
    Extra answer: who knows, actually the budget hasn´t been approved yet.

    4. Is there any reason to hunt this species?
    a) It's almost extinct.
    b) I would rather not.
    c) Not that I'm aware of.
    Right answer: c
    Extra answer: I guess not

    5. Are many people against the new exam format?
    a) That's not quite correct.
    b) Nobody knows for sure.
    c) That would be an understatement.
    Right answer: b
    Extra answer: the huge amount of registed complaints is self-explanatory

    6. Who is to blame for the oil spill?
    a) They should have known better.
    b) It's a foregone conclusion.
    c) Nobody knows for sure.
    Right answer: c
    Extra answer: that´s something to be investigated

    7. When will this country switch to renewable energy?
    a) There's no time like the present.
    b) Don't hold your breath.
    c) If only it would.
    Right answer: b
    Extra answer: That´s the eternal question.

    8. What do you think about organic food?
    a) I wouldn't eat anything else.
    b) It is available in the supermarket.
    c) I could say I have tried it.
    Right answer: c
    Extra answer: That´s not my cup of tea

    Thank you!

    1. I may be repeating this reply, but anyway, here it goes. My connection messing with me, I guess:

      All your extra answers were perfect, Daniel, but your multiple choice answers were wrong on questions 2, 5 and 8. Would you like to try again?

      Keep up all the good work!

    2. My new try:

      2. Isn't that your History teacher from highschool?
      a) Yes, I thought I recognised him.
      b) I absolutely agree.
      c) You should be mistaken.
      Right answer: b
      Extra answer: I think so

      5. Are many people against the new exam format?
      a) That's not quite correct.
      b) Nobody knows for sure.
      c) That would be an understatement.
      Right answer: c
      Extra answer: the huge amount of registed complaints is self-explanatory

      8. What do you think about organic food?
      a) I wouldn't eat anything else.
      b) It is available in the supermarket.
      c) I could say I have tried it.
      Right answer: a
      Extra answer: That´s not my cup of tea

  2. Here I go! I liked this one :-), Thank you Bea!

    1. Weren't you supposed to take out the recycling today?

    a) I thought you were going to.
    b) I won't forget.
    c) I might not have time.
    Right answer: a
    Another possibility: I will do as soon as I finish cooking dinner

    2. Isn't that your History teacher from highschool?

    a) Yes, I thought I recognised him.
    b) I absolutely agree.
    c) You should be mistaken.
    Right answer: a
    Another possibility: He looks alike but I don’t think he is; my teacher is way taller than that man.

    3. When will the new cycle lane be constructed?

    a) It hasn't been built yet.
    b) It was supposed to have been finished by now.
    c) Sometime tomorrow, probably.
    Right answer: b
    Another possibility: It should be finished by next year according to what politicians said.

    4. Is there any reason to hunt this species?

    a) It's almost extinct.
    b) I would rather not.
    c) Not that I'm aware of.
    Right answer: c
    Another possibility: You ask as if reasons existed to hunt any species

    5. Are many people against the new exam format?

    a) That's not quite correct.
    b) Nobody knows for sure.
    c) That would be an understatement.
    Right answer: c
    Another possibility: I wouldn’t say they are really against, I think they like the format but you know, some of them might be reluctant to change.

    6. Who is to blame for the oil spill?

    a) They should have known better.
    b) It's a foregone conclusion.
    c) Nobody knows for sure.
    Right answer: c
    Another possibility: I bet it has been my brother who spilled it.

    7. When will this country switch to renewable energy?

    a) There's no time like the present.
    b) Don't hold your breath.
    c) If only it would.
    Right answer: b
    Another possibility: I’m afraid we are not likely to see it.

    8. What do you think about organic food?

    a) I wouldn't eat anything else.
    b) It is available in the supermarket.
    c) I could say I have tried it.
    Right answer: a
    Another possibility: Well, should it be cheaper I wouldn’t mind to take on an organic diet

  3. Hi everyone!

    And here are my answers!

    1. Weren't you supposed to take out the recycling today?
    a) I thought you were going to.
    b) I won't forget.
    c) I might not have time.
    Correct: a
    Extra: I thought it wasn't allowed!

    2. Isn't that your History teacher from highschool?
    a) Yes, I thought I recognised him.
    b) I absolutely agree.
    c) You should be mistaken.
    Correct: c
    Extra: Yes, he looks like him!

    3. When will the new cycle lane be constructed?
    a) It hasn't been built yet.
    b) It was supposed to have been finished by now.
    c) Sometime tomorrow, probably.
    Correct: b
    Extra: Probably never, there isn't enough budget to such construction.

    4. Is there any reason to hunt this species?
    a) It's almost extinct.
    b) I would rather not.
    c) Not that I'm aware of.
    Correct: c
    Extra: It's necessary to control the overpopulation

    5. Are many people against the new exam format?
    a) That's not quite correct.
    b) Nobody knows for sure.
    c) That would be an understatement.
    Correct: b
    Extra: As far as I know, almost all of the students

    6. Who is to blame for the oil spill?
    a) They should have known better.
    b) It's a foregone conclusion.
    c) Nobody knows for sure.
    Correct: c
    Extra: The captain of the ship, he was aware of the harsh weather conditions

    7. When will this country switch to renewable energy?
    a) There's no time like the present.
    b) Don't hold your breath.
    c) If only it would.
    Correct: b?
    Extra: The government is working on it, so probably in a few years time

    8. What do you think about organic food?
    a) I wouldn't eat anything else.
    b) It is available in the supermarket.
    c) I could say I have tried it.
    Correct: a
    Extra: I love it, but unfortunately it's too expensive


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