Day 28: Hopes and wishes dominoes

Hi there!

This post marks exactly four weeks of challenges! How are you feeling so far? Tired? Enthused? Fed up?

There was one challenge (I don't remember the day, I'm sorry for my awful memory, hahaha) in which you had to work out the best ways to use verbs like wish and hope. Today we expand on that challenge, constructing idioms to speak about hopes and fears. If you feel like making dominoes with it in order to play with friends and/or family (or on your own!), all you have to do is copy the words on strips of paper. Easy crafting time! It seems like we are all a bit into crafting these days anyway.

So, here's the challenge:

- Consider the words on the list below or, if you prefer, write them on separate strips of paper.

- Construct twelve idioms with them.

- Choose four and write gapped sentences where the answer is one of the idioms. How obvious or tricky was the sentence? The more obvious, the more likely it is you understood the meaning well and were using it correctly!

Have fun with this one!

the dark
pluck up
a bundle
in my
out of your
give up
pin your
hopes up
the sky's
my hopes
don't get
a leap


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  2. Hi, all,

    As I have these challenges established as part of my daily routine, actually I think I´m going to miss them when they finish. For the time being, let´s deal with this one.

    These are the idioms I´ve found:

    Out of your comfort zone
    Get cold feet
    Get your hopes up
    Butterflies in your stomach
    Pluck up your courage
    A bundle of nerves
    Expand your horizons
    Dashed my hopes
    Get on your nerves
    A leap in the dark
    Pin your hopes on
    The sky´s the limit

    And my gapped sentences:

    If you strive enough you can be whatever you want in life, ___________________
    She was __________________ before the exam.
    Incredible though it may be, finally he _______________ and didn´t get married
    Despite being totally scared, I eventually _________________________ and I did it

    I believe they are pretty obvious.

    Thanks again for your hard work!

  3. Hello everyone!

    I must confess I had a blast this afternoon! I prepared the words in little pieces of paper and was in my balcony working on this challenge under the sun 😊 Thanks for that moment Bea!

    Here I go with my idioms (I had no idea about where placing “in my”…)
    - A bundle of nerves
    - Get cold feet
    - Never give up hope
    - The sky’s the limit
    - Expand your horizons
    - Out of your comfort zone
    - Butterflies in the stomach
    - Pluck up courage
    - My hopes were dashed
    - A leap in the dark
    - Pin your hopes on (sth)
    - Don’t get your hopes up

    And these are my gapped sentences:

    “Nadal is, undoubtedly, one of the best tennis players ever. Not only has he already won 19 Grand Slam Titles but he also keeps playing at his highest level. _________________ to what Nadal can make in tennis history.”

    “I did think I’d get the job but ________________ when I didn’t get any news from the company”

    “I had planned everything for my new life in Hamburg. I had a job, Friends, and a lovely appartment but I ____________________ in the last minute and made up my mind to stay”

    “ She wishes she could ______________________ to ask him to live with her”

    As for how obvious these sentences are, I think I’d definitely identify the proper idioms if I were given the previous list. Do you think are they obvious enough? Do you find tricky any of the sentences?

    Good night!

  4. Hi Bea and mates!

    I think there are some words on the list I don't have used to get the idioms:

    • Out of your comfort zone
    • A leap in the dark
    • Expand your horizons
    • Butterflies in the stomach
    • The sky's the limit
    • A bundle of nerves
    • Dashed my hopes
    • Pluck up courage
    • Never give up hope
    • Pin your hopes on
    • Don't get your hopes up
    • Get cold feet

    And the gapped sentences are (one of them with two gaps):

    Although I was __________, I had __________ and put my fears aside.
    For such an intelligent and ambitious person like you, __________.
    She __________ when she said she wouldn't marry me.

    I hope they are obvious enough!

    See you next Tuesday!


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