The extra challenges 1: the words

Hi everyone!

As some of you may know already, I have decided to post some extra challenges: ten new challenges that will take us all the way to the day of the exam! Are you ready for the revival?

Our first challenge takes us to word formation, and hopefully, the answers will be completed collectively in the comments.

How long has it been since you last brushed up your prefixes and suffixes? Let's see how fresh they are in your mind! Here's the first extra challenge:

- Find below one root word for each letter of the alphabet. Think of as many elements in that word family as you can.

- Share them in the comments.

- If you're not the first to answer: check your partners' comments, and write in bold all the new additions you're making to each word family.


B - beauty  -  beautiful, beautifully, beautician (this is my new addition)

B - beauty  - beautiful, beautifully, beautician, beautify (?) (I write it with a question mark because I'm not sure of this word. The magic voice behind the blog will decide if it's a valid answer or not)

Without further ado, let's go for the alphabet!

A - attach
B - breath
C - centre (center)
D - drink
E - explain
F - fresh
G - grow
H - head
I - invent
J - journal
K - know
L  - legal
M - mind
N - north
O - operate
P - please
Q - question
R - romance
S - serve
T - trust
U - understand
V - vary
W - weight
X - xenophobia
Y - youth
Z - zeal


  1. Hi, Bea,

    It´s great to have the challenges back, at least for a few more days.

    These are my words:

    A – attach: attachment, attache, attachable, detachable
    B – breath: breathe, breathable, breathability
    C - centre (center): centrical, centrically, centricalness, centricity, centrifugal, centric
    D – drink: drinkable, drinkability, drinkableness, drinkably
    E – explain: explanation, explainable, unexplained, explanatory, self-explained
    F – fresh: freshly, fresie
    G – grow: growth, growthiness, growthless
    H – head: headache, heady, headless, headdress
    I – invent: invention, inventory, inventive, inventively, inventiveness
    J – journal: journalist, journalism, journalistic, journalize
    K – know: knowledge, acknowledgement
    L - legal: illegal, illegally, legally,
    M – mind: mindset, mindless, mindfulness,
    N – north: northern, northerly
    O – operate: operation, operator
    P – please: pleasant, pleasantly, pleaser
    Q – question: questioner, questionable, questionary
    R – romance: romantic, romanticism, romantically, romanticality
    S – serve: service, server, self-service, servant
    T – trust: trustful, trustworthy, untrustworthy, distrust, distrustful,
    U – understand: understandable, understanding, understandably
    V – vary: variation, variated, variable, variety
    W – weight: weightless, weighty
    X – xenophobia: xenophobic, xenofobe
    Y – youth: youthful, youthhood, youthless
    Z – zeal: zealous, zealful, zealless, zealot

    Thank you for bring it back!

  2. Hi Bea!

    I have added the following new words to the list:

    A – attach: attachment, attache, attachable, detachable, detach
    B – breath: breathe, breathable, breathability, breathing
    C - centre (center): centrical, centrically, centricalness, centricity, centrifugal, centric, jobcentre
    D – drink: drinkable, drinkability, drinkableness, drinkably, undrinkable
    E – explain: explanation, explainable, unexplained, explanatory, self-explained, explaining
    F – fresh: freshly, fresie, refresh
    G – grow: growth, growthiness, growthless, overgrow
    H – head: headache, heady, headless, headdress, forehead, headmaster
    I – invent: invention, inventory, inventive, inventively, inventiveness, inventor
    J – journal: journalist, journalism, journalistic, journalize
    K – know: knowledge, acknowledgement, Knowhere, acknowledge
    L - legal: illegal, illegally, legally, legalise
    M – mind: mindset, mindless, mindfulness, remind
    N – north: northern, northerly, northless
    O – operate: operation, operator, operative
    P – please: pleasant, pleasantly, pleaser, unpleasant
    Q – question: questioner, questionable, questionary, unquestionable
    R – romance: romantic, romanticism, romantically, romanticality
    S – serve: service, server, self-service, servant, reserve
    T – trust: trustful, trustworthy, untrustworthy, distrust, distrustful, untrust
    U – understand: understandable, understanding, understandably, misunderstand
    V – vary: variation, variated, variable, variety, invariable
    W – weight: weightless, weighty, overweight
    X – xenophobia: xenophobic, xenofobe, xenomorph
    Y – youth: youthful, youthhood, youthless
    Z – zeal: zealous, zealful, zealless, zealot

  3. Dear Bea and mates!

    My apologies for my delay! I've been on the go for these last days and try as I might I couldn't make time for this challenge earlier.

    Anyway... here I am!

    I've pasted the list from my Word processor and the bold format has somehow vanished... I don't know how to change it again... sorry for that!

    A – attach: attachment, attache, attachable, detachable, detach, unattached, attaching
    B – breath: breathe, breathable, breathability, breathing, breathless, breath-taking, breathy
    C - centre (center): centrical, centrically, centricalness, centricity, centrifugal, centric, jobcentre, central, centrism, centrality, uncentred,
    D – drink: drinkable, drinkability, drinkableness, drinkably, undrinkable, drinker, drunk,
    E – explain: explanation, explainable, unexplained, explanatory, self-explained, explaining, unexplainable,
    F – fresh: freshly, fresie, refresh, freshness, freshen,
    G – grow: growth, growthiness, growthless, overgrow, outgrow, growing, grower
    H – head: headache, heady, headless, headdress, forehead, headmaster, headings, headship, fathead
    I – invent: invention, inventory, inventive, inventively, inventiveness, inventor, inventible, self-invented
    J – journal: journalist, journalism, journalistic, journalize, journaling, journaled
    K – know: knowledge, acknowledgement, Knowhere, acknowledge, known, unknown, knowledgeable, knowledgeably, knowledge-based, knowledge-driven
    L - legal: illegal, illegally, legally, legalise, legalised, legalisation,
    M – mind: mindset, mindless, mindfulness, remind, minded, open-minded, minding, mindful, unmindful,
    N – north: northern, northerly, northless, northward, northwardly
    O – operate: operation, operator, operative, operated, operating, inoperative, inoperable,
    P – please: pleasant, pleasantly, pleaser, unpleasant, pleasantry, pleasance, pleased,
    Q – question: questioner, questionable, questionary, unquestionable, questioning, request, requested, requestable, unquestioned, unquestionably, unquestioning,
    R – romance: romantic, romanticism, romantically, romanticality, romancer, romanceful, romanticizer, unromantic,
    S – serve: service, server, self-service, servant, reserve, unreserved, unreservedly, deserve (?), service-based,
    T – trust: trustful, trustworthy, untrustworthy, distrust, distrustful, untrust, trustee, trusteeship, distrusted, distrustful,
    U – understand: understandable, understanding, understandably, misunderstand, misunderstanding, pre-understand,
    V – vary: variation, variated, variable, variety, invariable, variance, invariance, variability, invariably, varying
    W – weight: weightless, weighty, overweight, weightage, underweight, weighted,
    X – xenophobia: xenophobic, xenofobe, xenomorph, xenotransplantation,
    Y – youth: youthful, youthhood, youthless, young, youngster,
    Z – zeal: zealous, zealful, zealless, zealot, zealously, zealousness, zealotic, zealotical,

    And, once again, thanks Bea, it made me really happy seeing this blog back to life!

  4. A few more additions to the list:

    A – attach: attachment, attache, attachable, detachable, detach, unattached, attaching

    B – breath: breathe, breathable, breathability, breathing, breathless (breathlessly, breathlessness), breath-taking, breathy, breather

    C - centre (center): centrical, centrically, centricalness, centricity, centrifugal, centric, jobcentre, central, centrism, centrality, uncentred, centralism, centralise (centralisation), centrally, concentric, concentrate (concentration), eccentric (eccentricity, eccentrically)
    D – drink: drinkable, drinkability, drinkableness, drinkably, undrinkable, drinker, drunk, drunken, drunkard

    E – explain: explanation, explainable, unexplained, explanatory, self-explained, explaining, unexplainable,

    F – fresh: freshly, fresie, refresh, freshness, fresen (fresherner), freser, afresh
G – grow: growth, growthiness, growthless, overgrow, outgrow, growing, grower, undergrowth, grown-up

    H – head: headache, heady, headless, headdress, forehead, headmaster, headings, headship, fathead, header, -headed, head-on, overhead
I – invent: invention, inventory, inventive, inventively, inventiveness, inventor, inventible, self-invented

    J – journal: journalist, journalism, journalistic, journalize, journaling, journaled, journalese

    K – know: knowledge, acknowledgement, Knowhere, acknowledge, known, unknown, knowledgeable, knowledgeably, knowledge-based, knowledge-driven
L - legal: illegal, illegally, legally, legalise, legalised, legalisation, legality, legalism, paralegal

    M – mind: mindset, mindless (minslessness, mindlessly), mindfulness, remind, minded, open-minded, minding, mindful, unmindful, minder
N – north: northern, northerly, northless, northward, northwardly, Nordic (?)
O – operate: operation, operator, operative, operated, operating, inoperative, inoperable, operable, operational, co(-)operate (cooperation, cooperative), teleoperate, interoperate (?) (interoperable)

    P – please: pleasant, pleasantly, pleaser, unpleasant, pleasantry, pleasance, pleased, pleasing (pleasingly), pleasure (pleasurable, preasurably), displease, displeasure, displeasing
Q – question: questioner, questionable, questionary, unquestionable, questioning, request, requested, requestable, unquestioned, unquestionably, unquestioning, questionnaire

    R – romance: romantic, romanticism, romantically, romanticality, romancer, romanceful, romanticizer, unromantic, romanticise

    S – serve: service, server, self-service, servant, reserve, unreserved, unreservedly, deserve (?), service-based, servitor, serviceable, serving (n), servitude, servile (servility)

    T – trust: trustful (trustfulness), trustworthy (trustworthiness), untrustworthy, distrust, distrustful, untrust, trustee, trusteeship, distrusted, distrustful, trusty, trusting, entrust
U – understand: understandable, understanding, understandably, misunderstand, misunderstanding, pre-understand
    V – vary: variation, variated, variable, variety, invariable, variance, invariance, variability, invariably, varying, variant, varied, various
W – weight: weightless, weighty (weightily), overweight, weightage, underweight, weighted, weighting, weigh, outweigh, counterweight

    X – xenophobia: xenophobic, xenofobe, xenomorph, xenotransplantation
    Y – youth: youthful, youthhood, youthless, young, youngster, youthfulness, youngish

    Z – zeal: zealous, zealful, zealless, zealot, zealously, zealousness, zealotic, zealotical, zealotry

  5. I'm so sorry to have joined the challenge with a few days' delay; let's see how can I contribute :-/

    A – attach: attachment, attache, attachable, detachable, detach, unattached, attaching, dettached, semi-dettached (2 in bold, I can't make them)

    B – breath: breathe, breathable, breathability, breathing, breathless (breathlessly, breathlessness), breath-taking, breathy, breather, unbreathable (1 bold)

    C - centre (center): centrical, centrically, centricalness, centricity, centrifugal, centric, jobcentre, central, centrism, centrality, uncentred, centralism, centralise (centralisation), centrally, concentric, concentrate (concentration), eccentric (eccentricity, eccentrically), off-centre, (1 bold)

    D – drink: drinkable, drinkability, drinkableness, drinkably, undrinkable, drinker, drunk, drunken, drunkard, drunkenness (1 bold)

    E – explain: explanation, explainable, unexplained, explanatory, self-explained, explaining, unexplainable, self-explanatory, unexplicable, explicable (3 bold)

    F – fresh: freshly, fresie, refresh, freshness, fresen (fresherner), freser, afresh, freshmen, freshless, freshlessness, refreshment (4 bold)
G – grow: growth, growthiness, growthless, overgrow, outgrow, growing, grower, undergrowth, grown-up, grow off (1 bold)

    H – head: headache, heady, headless, headdress, forehead, headmaster, headings, headship, fathead, header, -headed, head-on, overhead, headstrong, featherhead (2 bold)
I – invent: invention, inventory, inventive, inventively, inventiveness, inventor, inventible, self-invented

    J – journal: journalist, journalism, journalistic, journalize, journaling, journaled, journalese, sojourn (? 1 bold)

    K – know: knowledge, acknowledgement, Knowhere, acknowledge, known, unknown, knowledgeable, knowledgeably, knowledge-based, knowledge-driven, beknown, beknownst, unbeknownst (3 b)
L - legal: illegal, illegally, legally, legalise, legalised, legalisation, legality, legalism, paralegal

    M – mind: mindset, mindless (minslessness, mindlessly), mindfulness, remind, minded, open-minded, minding, mindful, unmindful, minder
N – north: northern, northerly, northless, northward, northwardly, Nordic (?)
O – operate: operation, operator, operative, operated, operating, inoperative, inoperable, operable, operational, co(-)operate (cooperation, cooperative), teleoperate, interoperate (?) (interoperable)

    P – please: pleasant, pleasantly, pleaser, unpleasant, pleasantry, pleasance, pleased, pleasing (pleasingly), pleasure (pleasurable, preasurably), displease, displeasure, displeasing, unplease, unpleasing (2 b)
Q – question: questioner, questionable, questionary, unquestionable, questioning, request, brequested, requestable, unquestioned, unquestionably, unquestioning, questionnaire, quest (1 b)

    R – romance: romantic, romanticism, romantically, romanticality, romancer, romanceful, romanticizer, unromantic, romanticise

    S – serve: service, server, self-service, servant, reserve, unreserved, unreservedly, deserve (?), service-based, servitor, serviceable, serving (n), servitude, servile (servility)

    T – trust: trustful (trustfulness), trustworthy (trustworthiness), untrustworthy, distrust, distrustful, untrust, trustee, trusteeship, distrusted, distrustful, trusty, trusting, entrust, mistrust (? 1 b)
U – understand: understandable, understanding, understandably, misunderstand, misunderstanding, pre-understand
    V – vary: variation, variated, variable, variety, invariable, variance, invariance, variability, invariably, varying, variant, varied, various
W – weight: weightless, weighty (weightily), overweight, weightage, underweight, weighted, weighting, weigh, outweigh, counterweight, weightlessness (1 b)

    X – xenophobia: xenophobic, xenofobe, xenomorph, xenotransplantation
    Y – youth: youthful, youthhood, youthless, young, youngster, youthfulness, youngish

    Z – zeal: zealous, zealful, zealless, zealot, zealously, zealousness, zealotic, zealotical, zealotry


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