The extra challenge 2: the ideas
Hello again everyone! Here is the second challenge of this "extra time". I'm sorry for the delay! I will be checking the words in the previous challenge soon. Keep an eye on the comments section! But in order to keep moving, let me tell you how to use the many words you have produced in challenge extra 1: The basic idea I wanted to present to you consists in presenting a series of topics and asking you to describe/develop/discuss the topic briefly using at least FIVE of the words you have created in challenge 1. I was inspired by the 50-word challenge , which some of you told me had been really enjoyable (if difficult). So here I was, asking myself what topics I could propose, and the exam being so near, all I could think of was sustainability, because it's always a favourite. You can never go wrong with that, which is why we insist on it so much for two years! I typed "sustainable" on google and the first collocations that appeared (the hottest top...