
The extra challenge 2: the ideas

Hello again everyone! Here is the second challenge of this "extra time". I'm sorry for the delay! I will be checking the words in the previous challenge soon. Keep an eye on the comments section! But in order to keep moving, let me tell you how to use the many words you have produced in challenge extra 1: The basic idea I wanted to present to you consists in presenting a series of topics and asking you to describe/develop/discuss the topic briefly using at least FIVE of the words you have created in challenge 1. I was inspired by the 50-word challenge , which some of you told me had been really enjoyable (if difficult). So here I was, asking myself what topics I could propose, and the exam being so near, all I could think of was sustainability, because it's always a favourite. You can never go wrong with that, which is why we insist on it so much for two years! I typed "sustainable" on google and the first collocations that appeared (the hottest top...

The extra challenges 1: the words

Hi everyone! As some of you may know already, I have decided to post some extra challenges: ten new challenges that will take us all the way to the day of the exam! Are you ready for the revival? Our first challenge takes us to word formation, and hopefully, the answers will be completed collectively in the comments. How long has it been since you last brushed up your prefixes and suffixes? Let's see how fresh they are in your mind! Here's the first extra challenge: - Find below one root word for each letter of the alphabet. Think of as many elements in that word family as you can. - Share them in the comments. - If you're not the first to answer: check your partners' comments, and write in bold all the new additions you're making to each word family. Ex: B - beauty  -  beautiful, beautifully, beautician (this is my new addition) B - beauty  - beautiful, beautifully, beautician, beautify (?) (I write it with a question mark because I'm not ...

Day 31: Looking back...

If you made it here, congratulations! You have completed the 30-day challenge! You may be wondering, 'is there an extra challenge for today?' Or maybe, 'is this really over? I got used to it!' If you did, just know that that was the purpose of this blog: to help you create a habit. I hope that some of the resources I used during these days give you some ideas to continue the journey on your own. Maybe return to the crossword page? Or another riddle! Remember the "gaps" challenge? It came from a website with lots of tests. How about another video from Colbert's show to find more conversational English? The list goes on... And to go back to the question you may be asking yourselves: is there an extra challenge for today? Well, today's task is simply to share with us how this challenge went for you. Did you do every single challenge? How hard was it to keep a habit? Did you leave it and then come back? Who motivated you? Did you invite anyone to do it?...

Day 30: Don't say the word!

It has arrived! The last day of your 30-day challenge is here. Here's a fun one that you can use to play with someone (I'm quite fond of that, as you may have noticed). Do you know the board game Taboo? The one with cards that gave you a word to define to other players and a little list of words that you couldn't use in your definition. Did you ever play that game when you were younger? Or maybe you played just a week ago, who knows! And have you ever played this game of forbidden words in a language class? There's something about it, maybe its simplicity, or the challenge inherent in forbidding the obvious, that makes it perfect to help students fix vocabulary. Plus, it can get really funny. I'd say the funnier the more competitive the players are! Easy instructions for our last challenge: - Read the cards below and choose six to define. - Try with a timer first! You have 30 seconds to attempt a definition. You can record yourself on the phone to test ...

Day 29: The bridge riddle (with conditionals)

Well hello there! We're so very close to the end! I had initially thought that the last week would be a reprise of "the best" challenges (who can determine which are the best, anyway?), but as time went by I kept finding new things I wanted to include. Some challenges, however, were very enjoyable to me personally, so there is no way I couldn't revisit them. One of such challenges was the riddle. And so here it is again! A new one, of course. The idea behind this riddle challenge is the following: - Try to solve the challenge (but of course!) - Explain your thought process, whether you reached a solution or not. What was your initial idea? Did you change your mind? How did you find the answer, if you did? - Here comes the conditional part: what other solutions would have been possible if one or more of the conditions set in the riddle had been different? In other words, how do the results vary if the riddle proposition changes? (Note: there are many con...

Day 28: Hopes and wishes dominoes

Hi there! This post marks exactly four weeks of challenges! How are you feeling so far? Tired? Enthused? Fed up? There was one challenge (I don't remember the day, I'm sorry for my awful memory, hahaha) in which you had to work out the best ways to use verbs like wish and hope . Today we expand on that challenge, constructing idioms to speak about hopes and fears. If you feel like making dominoes with it in order to play with friends and/or family (or on your own!), all you have to do is copy the words on strips of paper. Easy crafting time! It seems like we are all a bit into crafting these days anyway. So, here's the challenge: - Consider the words on the list below or, if you prefer, write them on separate strips of paper. - Construct twelve idioms with them. - Choose four and write gapped sentences where the answer is one of the idioms. How obvious or tricky was the sentence? The more obvious, the more likely it is you understood the meaning well and were u...

Day 27: some fun (and hard) MIT tests

Contribute to science with these tests! These are some quizzes designed to map people's knowledge and perfect algorithms, so any help you can provide is valuable! I propose completing both quizzes and sharing the results with us. The first one is a veeeery hard vocabulary quiz that will tell you how well you did in the same (native speaker) age and education bracket as you. The second one aims at guessing the variety of English that you speak and your native language based on what you consider grammatical. I found this one really interesting! You can see my results below. I'm so proud that the second one guessed my native language would be English! Not to mention that my variety of English would be New Zealandish, lol. Love it! The challenge, then, is the following: - Go to this website and complete both quizzes. - Share your results with us. Which one did you prefer? How hard was it? Enjoy! PS: my results: The Vocab Quiz Your score: 27/32 ...